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AI ESG Tools

For scalable assessment of investment portfolio’s exposure to specific ESG risks and issues

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) screening is increasingly important for investors to assess risks in investment portfolios. However, many ESG screening tools underplay the due diligence required to manage emerging ESG risks (e.g. plastics and for specific human rights issues) to the new standards stakeholders expect.

To help investors respond to rapidly changing issues, AlphaQuants developed a set of ESG tools combining AI, Natural Language Processing with corporate human rights and environmental risk. ESQuant tools rapidly and diligently assess how portfolio companies respond to specific ESG issues, providing investors with fast and flexible solutions.

  • Deep-dive insights into portfolio companies’ due diligence steps to respond to emerging issues;

  • Scalability applying technology to faster assess risk across large numbers of companies;

  • Identifying potential positive Environmental and Social impacts;

Unique Approach to ESG

Existing tools often are reliant on media reports to assess risk and consequently focus on well-known consumer brands. However, ESQuant tools measure due diligence processes in place to manage Environmental and Social risks in three steps:

  1. Identify footprint vulnerable to risk, including operations, supply chain, types of manufacturing;

  2. Governance, policies and approaches to manage ESG risks; and 

  3. Involvement in relevant initiatives to reduce and remediate ESG risks.

If you are interested to find out more about how we can help you better assess and respond to ESG risk in your portfolio, email for an introductory meeting or fill below form 

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Alpha Quants | Quantitative Finance and Software Development
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